Acknowledge him in all thy ways and he shall straight your path! Let me tell you something, it is so much better and fun to recognize God in every decision we make in our life! We are very imperfect people and taking advantage of this promise makes our lives much easier to live. When we let God be first in our lives then it’s better to live and understand life by faith.
On April 23, 2013 Lena, Esteban Gracia and I arrived to Barcelona Terminal 1. The reaction of the four of us was the same, clenched fist and arms up in the air! We walked out of the airplane with big smiles and breathing in the new air like if we had just won the World Cup for a moment we forgot that we had been up since 2 am.
A moment that it will be hard to forget was the one when the plane touched down on the runway and as we taxied in Esteban grabbed our hand and said “let’s pray”, we held hands together and Esteban prayed and thanked the Lord for his protection and care on the trip and asked the Lord to give us strength to be good witnesses to the people. A prayer from a 9 year old.
As we walked through the arrival doors Sergio and Nancy Martinez were waiting for us, at that moment many thoughts came through my mind but one was repeating again and again and it was a ‘thank you Lord’ So many things to thank the Lord for, so many miracles that He worked out. Many people around the world have been praying for that moment and you were part of it.
After fitting all 4 suitcases and the 6 of us in the car we drove to Sant Celoni our final destination. As we entered our new home we saw a beautiful arrangement from our new local Church in Sant Celoni, the ladies had cleaned the apartment and left a welcome note. It was beautiful. We are thankful to the Lord for our new Church family in Sant Celoni, Barcelona.
On April 23, 2013 Lena, Esteban Gracia and I arrived to Barcelona Terminal 1. The reaction of the four of us was the same, clenched fist and arms up in the air! We walked out of the airplane with big smiles and breathing in the new air like if we had just won the World Cup for a moment we forgot that we had been up since 2 am.
A moment that it will be hard to forget was the one when the plane touched down on the runway and as we taxied in Esteban grabbed our hand and said “let’s pray”, we held hands together and Esteban prayed and thanked the Lord for his protection and care on the trip and asked the Lord to give us strength to be good witnesses to the people. A prayer from a 9 year old.
As we walked through the arrival doors Sergio and Nancy Martinez were waiting for us, at that moment many thoughts came through my mind but one was repeating again and again and it was a ‘thank you Lord’ So many things to thank the Lord for, so many miracles that He worked out. Many people around the world have been praying for that moment and you were part of it.
After fitting all 4 suitcases and the 6 of us in the car we drove to Sant Celoni our final destination. As we entered our new home we saw a beautiful arrangement from our new local Church in Sant Celoni, the ladies had cleaned the apartment and left a welcome note. It was beautiful. We are thankful to the Lord for our new Church family in Sant Celoni, Barcelona.

The night before we departed from Ukraine the Word of Life Ukraine staff family made us a wonderful farewell meeting. They will always be part of our family and life.

- First Bible Club meeting: We had the privilege to have the visit of Joe Jordan and he shared the Word of God to the youth and gusts that came to the meeting. It was a great time of fellowship.

- On May 1st we went to an event where all the Evangelical Churches of Barcelona (Follow link to see more pictures) come together for a picnic and also the Gospel is preached. More then 3,000 people attended the event. After the Gospel message was preached it was amazing to see so many hands up showing that they had made a decision for Christ. I can only say one thing, The Gospel Work!
Settling In
| For Mother's Day the Children's Sunday School Class prepared a few special songs for all the mothers. It was the first time that Esteban and Gracia attended the Church so they were exited. Esteban also read a short verse in Catalan and after he finished reading the whole Church started clapping and cheering, it was very emotional. |
Thank you for taking time to read this brief report and for your prayers!
Please pray for:
Lord Bless,
Juan Marcos, Lena, Esteban and Gracia Radziwiluk
Please pray for:
- A sensible heart to the new life and ministry.
- for Esteban and Gracia as they go to a new Public School, so that they will be good students and honor their Lord. For wisdom as they learn a new language: Catalan.
- For Lena and her new responsibilities.
- For the summer camp preparations.
- For our monthly support, we need to raise a specific amount to cover some monthly expenses that where not in the budget. I can share more in a private way if you are interested in helping.
Lord Bless,
Juan Marcos, Lena, Esteban and Gracia Radziwiluk